Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2 Days

    It's amazing what just 2 days did to my family and I. I had so many plans and ideas for this blog and then BAM 2 days after my last post my world turned on it's head. Well really it kicked me down and had me flopping like a fish out of water. I don't want to get into the details just yet, but for those who thought I'd just take it and do what ever you say, think again. All that has happened has made me stonger and more determined, something that those who hurt me and my family did not see coming. And best of all my kids know I will always be in their corner and will be working on making 2014 a GREAT year and the rest of our lives for that matter.
     I do still have a few ideas for this blog. I am still going to scrapbook, I am determined not to have this turn of events take away my love for this hobby.
     I hope you join me in this new chapter of my life, until then I want to wish you a very blessed New Year. 

Thursday, August 29, 2013

My September Kit

Hey guys I hope you had a great summer. I've been busy all summer and didn't lift my paper cutter once. What do you say let's get back in the swing of things okay. To start off my "Back to Scrapbooking" I decided to make myself a "kit" I was looking to join a kit of the month group but as I was cleaning my office this summer I've made it my goal to shop my stash and make a kit out of my own stuff. Take a look at what I've come up with. 

Okay, so who's with me. let's shop our stash and get some of those memories in our scrapbooks.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Monday Music Challenge

My son is off at camp for the week, so my daughter has her best friend over (I'm sure for the week). I asked them for some songs for today's challenge. Oh teenagers , gotta love them. I narrowed the list down to Bruno Mars' Count on Me.   I think it's fitting and says a lot about their friendship. love you girls. 

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Challenge 18- Double Duty

Today's challenge is to do a Layout and then do something with the scraps. You can make a card, another layout, anything you want just don't throw those scraps away let's use them.

I'll be making a page and hopefully 2 cards after I pick up the kids from school.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Challenge 17--Shop the Stash

Oh I had such a fun time being apart of Scrapbook Generation's Blog hop. If you haven't done it yet please do.

I don't remember if I told you or not but my goal this month is to do 50 layouts. I'm just starting my Disney cruise album and I want/need to get it done. To help motivate me I joined a group on Facebook 50 Projects. The goal is to do 50 projects without buying anything. You can buy adhesive but nothing else. Yikes!!! Time to shop the stash. I plan on making "kits" from my sash and then here's the kicker,  using them.

So your challenge today is to shop your stash. You don't have to make "kits", but I do want you to use what you have already. Ready, Set, GO!!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Blog Hop

Welcome to the SG Blog Hop for June, if this is your first stop, you might like to start at the Scrapbook Generation blog and then hop through each link. Here is the list in case you get lost

Scrapbook Generation blog - http://scrapbookgeneration.blogspot.com/
Alisha - http://layoutaday.blogspot.com/ You Are Here

Each blog will share a project using one of the SG sketches as a starting point. You can find the sketches in their books and downloads in the SG store, and there is a free one every month in case you wanted to try it out.

For my Layout I used a page kit from Scrapbook Generations by Allison Davis. I scrap in order so when this challenge came about I was a little scared. I didn't want to jump to far ahead. Luckily I only had to jump ahead a few pages in my album. The kit called for 8 photos. 2-4x6 1 3x4 and
5- 2.5x2.5. I made my 3x4 into a 3x4.5, plus I added a 2.5x2.5. I was having a hard time with the colors of the layout but I did it anyway determined for it to "work".  I first followed the instructions, changed the title and came up with this:

But I it wasn't speaking to me, I was thrown from the purple in the photos. Plus it was celebrating Disney's 50th Birthday so I wanted more Gold. I shopped from my stash, redid the layout and came up with this:

What layout do you like more? I'm still on the fence. I think maybe the background paper is too Gold.
Next on the hop is Michelle - http://ownerofchanel.blogspot.com/  leave a comment on each blog and one lucky commenter will receive a free sketch bundle of their choice from the store. The winner will be draw on June 10th, so you have one week to leave a comment.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

JUNE--Summer Bucket List

June is here!!! But it's not quite summer vacation here yet. The kids have 1 more week of school still; and then let the FUN begin. Both my kids are in high school and have become very independent but I still want to have some Family Summer time together. I joined a Facebook group The Happy Family Movement 2013 to help motivate me with this endeavor. It seems like most of the families have young children, so with reluntant teens  I came up with OUR SUMMER BUCKET LIST.

Weekly date-night w/ hubby  Get Slushies   Go to music festival   Splash in a fountain   
Plant a garden   Go to Garage Sales   Go Fishing   Get ice-cream from the Ice-cream Man   Build a Fort   Backyard Camping  Mini Golf   Water-balloon fight   Go swimming   
Have a cousin day   Make jam   Go to dive-in movie   Go camping   Water-gun fight   
Make a Redneck pool in truck   Make Ketchup   Make Relish   Make dinner together   
Make different kinds of popsicles   Read   Redo rooms   Play over-the-line   
Try a restaurant we've never been to  Go to the beach   Go to a baseball game   
Have a cellphone free day   Have a BBQ   Family game night   Have a board game day   
Movie marathon   Nature photo shoot   Picnic in the park   Go to the Lake   
Make fruit smoothies   Make homemade ice-cream   make ice-cream sundaes   
See 4th of July Fireworks   Visit Farmer's Market   Wash Cars   Watch the sunrise   
Watch the sunset   Work on Family cookbook   Go to the mountains   Hike Forest Falls   
Go to Fox movie theater   Spend week at our timeshare   Work-out   Harry Potter Day   
Star Wars Day   Super Hero Day   Lord of the Rings Day   Make slushies   
Make summer highlight video

So that's our list. Keep in mind J will be off at camp for 22 days and J will be gone for 14 days, but I'm hoping we can get most of the list crossed off.


Friday, May 31, 2013

Challenge 16 - Stamps

Today's challenge is to use your stamps. Now not just any stamps will do for this challenge, no I want you to get out those stamps that you haven't used yet. I know I have a lot that I have bought and still haven't used. I can't be the only. Try and use at least 3 "new" stamps. They don't have to be on the same layout.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Challenge 15 - Clean Up

I don't know about you, but as much as I try to clean up after each layout I still have a mess at my desk. Today's challenge is to clean up your work space. If you scrap at the kitchen table, or have a nice office space, I want you to clean it up today. I plan on clearing off my desk (putting items away), dust, and vacuum. After I'm hoping my scrapbook mojo will flow. LOL

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Challenge 13 and 14

Sorry I missed posting yesterday. My brother got his Master's yesterday. Well he really got it 6 months ago but he walked with his Master's class yesterday. SO SO PROUD OF HIM!!

Did you go ahead and do yesterday's challenge? Do you remember what Wednesday's challenge is? Double Duty Wednesday. Do a Layout and then a card with the leftovers.

Well for today's challenge I want you to did into your stash and use those paper and embellishments that have been in your stash longer than a year. I know you have some. Get in there and get scrapping.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Challenge 12 - Family

I come from a big family, and when I say big I mean more than 4. I'm the oldest of 9. My parents will be celebrating 40 years this September. Coming from a big family I couldn't wait for a nice calm house, until I started my own family. My husband and I wished for a medium sized family with 4 kids, but that wasn't in the works for me. We only have 2 kids. A girl and a boy. I'm still waiting for a nice calm house. LOL nahh life wouldn't be any fun if it got calm.  Anyway the reason why I'm talking a little bit about my family is because lots of families in Oklahoma had their life and families changed because of the terrible tornado storms.  So in light of the horrible tragedy my challenge to you today is to do a layout of your family. Big, small, a memorable event, anything you want.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Challenge 11 - The Skillet

I hope you all had a great weekend. We did, we spent it with family + our weather was perfect here.
Now on to get some housework and most importantly some scrapbooking done. Monday's Music Challenge is from my 15 yr old daughter. I had told her I started this blog and that Mondays are my Music Challenge days.  1 cool point form Mom. She proceeded to write down 7 bands that she wants me to use. Her first one is The Skillet, I chose the song American Noise. Watch the video link it has all the words for you. I can't wait to do this page there are so many different ways you can do it. What will you come up with?

Friday, May 17, 2013

Challenge 10 - Brown

As you know by now Friday is Color Challenge Friday. Today's color is Brown. You could do this by using brown cardstock, patern paper or even inking your paper. I did all three. Enjoy, and I can't wait to see what you guys come up with.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Challenge 9 - Pattern Paper

If you're like me using more than 2 kinds of pattern paper on  a layout and my head starts spinning. With today's challenge I want you to use 5 yes FIVE different kinds of pattern paper. Here's what I came up with. I used 6 different pattens but stayed in the blue and brown family so it doesn't scream at you.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Challenge 8 - Double Duty

Ahhh good o' Wednesday.  Today's challenge os to do any layout you'd like and then make a card with the leftovers.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Challenge 7

How did you do with yesterday's challenge. I'm still up in the air, no pun intended. But seriously, I'm thinking Buzz Lightyear but we'll see.
Today's Tool Challenge is to use a page kit. I have mine ready to go. Pictures to follow.

It felt so good to scrap yesterday. The best part was how easy it was. I wanted to scrap tons of pictures of my son at his first time trying out archery. Needless to say putting 9 4x6's on a layout  was not going to happen. I love how this kit had me cut down the pictures to 3x3 to focus on my son, which is the goal in the first place. I used Scrapbook Generation's Boy Crazy page kit. Go check them out everything I needed was in the kit along with a sketch and photo of the completed layout, tons of paper and embellishments.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Challenge 6 Space Oddity

I hope all of you had a wonderful Mother's Day. Today we get back to the grind and another Music Monday Challenge. I thought it would be fun to use a song going viral right now You Tube. It is Space Oddity. It is a  revised version of David Bowie's Space Oddity, recorded by Commander Chris Hadfield on board the International Space Station.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Happy Mother's Day

To all the Moms out there Happy Mother's Day!!!!!!
We won't have a challenge up this weekend , go spend some time with your Moms and tell her you LOVE her.

Our next challenge will be up on Monday. Enjoy your weekend

Friday, May 10, 2013

Challenge 5

I've been so bad about doing my own challenges, luckily I am going to a crop tomorrow night so I can get these done. I was thinking that Friday's can be Color Friday. It will be either 1 or up to 3 colors that I want you to focus on. So today's challenge is yellow. Use yellow any way you like. I can't wait to see what you come up with.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Challenge 4

Today we are going to hit that shopping bag that has just been sitting there with the goodies we needed to get but haven't used them yet. I know I have a few bags, packed with little goodies that I just couldn't pass up but haven't used them yet.  I'm thinking this is going to be a monthly challenge if not a weekly challenge. If you are good and unpack after a shopping trip then I want you to use something still in its packaging. Maybe that's what we'll call Thursday New To Me Thursday.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Challenge 3

Happy Wednesday to all of you. Wednesdays are going to be Double Duty Wednesdays. Today's challenge is to make a card out of you left over scraps from the layout you did today. I can't wait to see what you come up with.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Challenge 2

Did you do yesterday's first challenge? Please post your results. I'll be doing a giveaway at the end of the month, but you have to post your layouts to win.

So on to today's challenge. I want you to use any of your embossing tools. okay go get started.

Monday, May 6, 2013

My 1st post

Hello out there.....
I don't know about you but I've been in a scrapbooking rut. So to get me out of the this funk I've created this Layout A Day Blog. My goal here is to post a challenge everyday. YIKES! And then make a scrapbooking page. DOUBLE YIKES!! I am open to all suggestions the more the merrier. I'm not affiliated with a scrapbooking company but I want to give out prizes to those of you that come along for the challenge.

Well as they say there's no time like the present so let's get started with the 1st challenge. I'm thinking Monday's should be Music Monday so I want you to use  Here I Am By Bryan Adams as your inspiration.  I can't wait to see what you come up with.

Here's what I did. One of the lines is Nowhere else on Earth I'd rather be. This layout is of my kids and I at the end of a summer day in 2005.  Yeah I'm a "little" behind. I can't wait to see what you guys come up with.